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Propane Vs. Butane for Cannabis Oil Extraction: Which is Better?

Posted on Feb 7, 2024 12:02:59 PM

Discover the differences between propane and butane for extracting cannabis oil and determine which one is the superior choice. Explore their extraction capabilities, industry standards, and customer preferences.

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Understanding various Challenges In The Solventless Extraction Method

Posted on Dec 4, 2023 12:40:49 PM

A Guide To Solventless Extracts

Revered by many for its ability to produce clean, terpene-rich, and full-spectrum concentrates, solventless extraction stands in contrast to more traditional solvent-based techniques that employ butane, propane, ethanol, or CO2.

Whether you’re an entrepreneurial technician with a passion for purity or an investor seeking the next breakthrough, it's crucial for anyone currently contemplating entering the extraction industry to understand the various nuances of solventless cannabis concentrates. While the promise of an environmentally friendly and 'true-to-plant' concentrate certainly sounds enticing, the path to scaling and commercializing these kinds of operations can be fraught with all sorts of challenges that many might not initially anticipate.

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Maximize Profitability Through BHO and Ethanol Extraction

Posted on Oct 5, 2022 2:51:55 PM

For solvent-based extraction, BHO and Ethanol have emerged as the best methods to process most all types of cannabis biomass, from high-quality single-strain nugs to trim.

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Cannabis Production and Processing: State of the Industry

Posted on Oct 29, 2020 2:14:13 PM

Cannabis production is a tough game, but those that can take the heat can reap huge payoffs. Knowing how to maneuver through the regulations, innovations, research, and trends can leave growers and processors scrambling to keep up in this fast-paced environment.

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Decarboxylation: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Posted on Apr 23, 2020 7:41:27 AM

Cannabis decarboxylation is a crucial component of activating the psychoactive compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants. Decarboxylation happens organically for smokable plant material, as the heat from the flame does the work. For consumables, tinctures and salves, however, it is a more careful process that occurs earlier in production.

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BHO 201: Post-Processing and Vacuum Ovens

Posted on Dec 23, 2019 10:15:00 AM

Vacuum purging is an essential component when creating high-quality cannabis concentrates. Vacuum purging solvent-based extracts removes residual solvents from light hydrocarbon extraction products to improve consistency, texture, color, and purity. The result is a translucent and pristine concentrate that’s both potent and safe for consumers.

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IO Extractor


Cut Labor Costs
Automated controls eliminate weeks or months of apprenticeship training required for manually controlled hydrocarbon systems.

Eliminate Operator Error
A pre-programmed recipe-monitoring system checks pressures and temperatures hundreds of times per second to remove the risk of operator error.

Increase Capacity
Our system's processing capacities enable the efficient handling of 15 lbs of dried plant material in 55 minutes, yielding a daily output of 375 lbs and 20 lbs of fresh-frozen material in 35 minutes, resulting in an impressive daily throughput of 700 lbs.

Improve Run Time
With intuitive controls and toolless operation, you'll enjoy faster turnaround times, consistent quality products, and a significant edge in the market--embrace the power of automation.

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